• AI绘画效果展示
  • 英文关键词

A ragdoll cat with blue eyes sits under the cherry blossom tree, surrounded by falling petals. The photo adopts soft tones and highlights the delicate fur texture of the cat through natural light. The background is a blurred landscape full of flowers, adding a sense of mystery to it. The style of the photo is in the style of natural light. --ar 3:4 --stylize 250

  • 中文关键词

一只蓝眼睛的布偶猫坐在樱花树下,周围都是飘落的花瓣。照片采用柔和的色调,通过自然光凸显猫咪细腻的皮毛质感。背景是一片开满鲜花的模糊风景,增添了一丝神秘感。照片的风格是自然光风格。 --ar 3:4 --风格化 250

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